New York City, the most populous city in the United States, housed over eight and a half million people with providing over four million jobs. Of which, 3.2 million hold by the residents of the city, where the rest 0.8 million jobs are conducted by out-of-city residents (i.e. New Jersey, Long Island, upstate New York, and others). According to the U.S. census bureau (2018), there was around 3.8 million working population in the city where 0.6 million works outside NYC. Around half of the total jobs in the city are located in downtown and midtown Manhattan.

The following interactive platform shows the pollution flow between home-to-work locations at the neighborhood level (NTA). On the left map, every polygon indicates a neighborhood. Clicking a polygon on the left map will change the size and location of the symbol on the right map to indicate the location where the residents of the selected neighborhood work in the city. Hover over the map to get quantitative values. This also numerically represents the flow of population within the city during peak hours.